Whenever and however you give, it is an act of worship to God and dependence on him. So take a moment to connect with him in prayer, gratitude and thankfulness (1 Chronicles 29:14).
Online giving is easy and can be done through the "Mission Trails Church" app or right here through the website. As a member or regular attender, this is your most flexible giving option. You can give a one-time gift, or schedule a recurring gift through your bank account, or debit/credit card. If you need help, please contact our office.
You can give on Sunday using the giving envelope found inside your program. Fill out the information on the envelope, then drop it in the offering basket at the end of the service.
Another way to give is to set up an automatic bank debit or bill-pay account. You can easily set up monthly, bi-monthly, or weekly gifts to Mission Trails Church.
If you prefer to mail your gifts, take a few offering envelopes home with you, complete the information, then mail at your convenience. Our offering envelopes are addressed and postage-paid for you.
Looking to give through an investment account, required IRA distribution, a trust account or as part of a legacy strategy? We can help. Contact our
Office@MissionTrailsChurch.com or speak with a pastor to get the information you need.